Saturday, 6 August 2011

Sophomore year in America

On mid August of 1987, I went to the United States.  Shelby, Ohio was the town I spent almost an year.  I was qualified as an exchange student and went to Shelby Senior High School .  Mr and Mrs Sites, were my host parents and still now they are my parents in my heart.

In Ohio, Everything was different from what I knew in Tokyo.  Language, foods, grocery markets, shopping mall, TV programs, sports, cars and roads....   Everything.

There was no internet connection those days.  International phone call was very expensive.  Air mail was the only choice to communicate over North Ameciran Continent and Pacific Ocean.  Just after the arrival, my host family cerebrated my 16th birthday.  Nevertheless I had been suffering from severe homesick for days or weeks.  But I did not tell that to my family in Tokyo.  Because it was my decision to go to America.  Host parents, friends, teachers, football team mates, baseball team mates, swimming team mates and coaches strongly helped me very much.  And finally, my sophomore year in America became unforgettable memory.

80's American movies always reminds me of the days in Shelby, Ohio.  Today, I saw a movie and that was one of those.


  1. Quicksilver is a great flick, especially if you are a cycling fan. If you haven't, you may want to check out, "Breaking Away"!

    Peace :)

  2. Hi, Chandra. I haven't seen Breaking away yet. It seems fun. I will try and write about it later. Thanks for letting me know that.
