Thursday, 26 May 2011

ツーキニストが日本を変えるか?誰が変えるか? Do TSUKINists change the world?


震災を機に急増しているCommuting Cyclistsに焦点をあてたこの特集は、個人レベルの取り組みだけでなく、国家としての自転車政策とその矛盾点の指摘、諸外国との比較(ロンドンを例に挙げて)から今後へ向けての問題提起で番組が構成されていました。

私がこの間まで滞在していたロンドンと東京を比較したときに最も大きな違いを挙げるとすれば、メインストリートでの路上駐車の有無と自転車運転者の法令順守意識に尽きます。Cyclised city Londonというキャンペーンは、渋滞緩和、医療費削減を掲げて始められたようですが、市民が自転車にのりたくなる、乗りやすい環境を提供する街作りを行っています。





日本のCycling revolutionは残念ながらまだ始まっていないようです。道路を管轄する警察庁が積極的な姿勢を示していないのは車道を自らの縄張りだと錯覚しているためかも知れません。皆さんは車道を走る警察官の白自転車を見かけたことがありますでしょうか?彼らには是非、正しい自転車走行の鏡となるべく振る舞って頂きたいと願わずにはいられません。

My son kindly left me a surprise in HDD video recorder.  It was a TV program “TSU-KIN-ists change the world”.  TSU-KIN is a japanese word means commuting and TSU-KIN-ist is an artificial word derived from commuting cyclist.
A big trend of cycling came to Japan for the last few years and the trend got an extra boost after the earthquake in March this year.  The program consisted of following issues, introduction of the current circumstances surrounding tsukininsts in Japan, the Japanese government policies, examples of foreign cities (Amsterdam and London), an expert’s opinion and proposal for the future.

As far as concerning the circumstances surrounding tsukininists, there are two big diffences between those in Tokyo and those in London.  Tsukinists friendliness of the main streets and the tsukinists’ mind of compling traffic regulations.

I have seen cars parking on the streets in London.  But parking is only permitted on the small roads in the residence areas and I haven rarely seen any parked cars on the main streets in central London.  As the results of that, tsukininst(and other cyclists) were able to keep cycling on the left side of the streets.

On the other hand, in Tokyo, cars, trucks, taxis are parked on the main streets almost all the time.  Sometimes legally by paying the fees into parking meters, most of the times illegally.  Most of those are parked temporarily, but some of those are parked for hours.  Those parked cars occupy the left side of the lane and obstruct tsukinints and other cyclists.

The second point.  Many cyclists wear fluorescent colored vests or jackets and helmets and they ride bikes with the lights on.  And almost all the cyclists follow the traffic regulations and traffic lights.  I could not find any bicycle didn’t obey the red signal during my 3months stay in London.  In Tokyo, even in this morning, I saw many bicycles crossing an intersection with red traffic light.  You don’t see many cyclists or tsukinists with their helmets.  And during the night time, it is not uncommon to cycle without any lights on.  Cycling opposite side of streets, cycling on the pavements are also commonly seen in Japan(actually it is permitted to cycle some of those pavements in Japan).  Not to mention that you won’t seldom see cyclists or tsukinists with fluorescent colored clothings.

Hopefully Japan is just taking the first step toward cycling revolution to make “cyclized” cities.  There are many problems in both cyclists’ mind and public infrastructure and we need to find solutions for them to be “cyclisation” developed country.  I assume that what we need in Japan is a strong promoter of “cyclisation” cities and the future vision of road traffic to make the roads where pedestrians. cars, and bicycles can live together.

今夜のCycling back home 1時間3分の自己新記録でした。ライトも前後につけて、黄色いバックパックを背負って、ヘルメットも被りましたよ。勿論車道を走って。年を取ってから始めたサイクリングであり、つい先日まで車で通勤していたこともあり、車道を走っていても自分が自動車のドライバーの眼にどのように映っているかを意識します。恐らくそれが危険を顧みない若いCyclist達と私との最も大きな違いだろうと思います。彼らを責める気持ちよりも、車道で自らの命を危険にさらす彼らを気の毒に思う気持ちの方が大きいです。

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