Tuesday 21 June 2011

Humid June wind 六月の風はしっとりと。

 自転車 半通勤をはじめて2ヶ月が経過し、復路の16キロ少々を走ることにも随分と慣れて来ました。時間にして1時間と数分のサイクリングで、当初はとてもこなせる距離ではないと考えていましたが、体も心もすっかり適応できるようになり、今となっては何ということもなくこなせます。




Two months has passed since I came back to Japan and my bicycle commuting career has become two months.  The good news is I got used to commute by Brompton for a little longer than one hour.  The bad news is it is not a special experience any more for me to complete 16 kilometer ride from my office to my apartment.  Not special enough to write something on my blog.

   It is rainy season now in Tokyo.  Fortunately it was not heavy rain and I could come home by bicycle last night. The night like yesterday, the air tend to be humid and the wind blowing against me during cycling is also humid and not very comfortable.

  The temperature will rise up to 35 degree in Celcius in July and August.  Sometimes over 30 degree even at night.  I will tell you how I feel the wind during summer night in Tokyo.


  1. Hi there,
    Winds and rain can sometimes put a damper on cycling. If it will make you feel better, where I am in Texas, USA, it is a balmy 95-100 degrees on many days, with a strong south wind.

    I commend you on your enthusiasm!

    Peace :)

  2. Hello, Chandra

    50F = 10C, 68F = 20C, 86F = 30C, 95F = 35C.....100F = 37.8C, NO WAY !! It is about the daytime isn't it? Unless it is necessary, I am not going to ride a bike during daytime. ^_^;

  3. Keep going. It is good news to feel everything is normal.

  4. Yep! It seems normal in Tokyo now. Big campaign to reduce electricity consumption and anti-nuclear power plant movements are annoying me. "I am doing what I need to do! Don't ask me too much!"
