Friday 10 June 2011

Instalment 2 / Brompton Teamからのおたより

購読をさせていただいているイギリスのBrompton fanの方のBrogで知ったBromptonのProject Xなる企画について、先ほど"The Brompton Team"からメールで第二報が届きました。

結論から言うと何だかまだよく分かりません。一つだけ言えるのは新しいProjectで登場するBromptonにはCarbon fibreは使用されていない、という事のようです。また今月初めにBromptonのFactory Tourに"たまたま"訪れたLondonのCyclisationの仕掛け人であるBoris Johnson市長は、このProject Xについて秘密を垣間見ることが出来たようです。


Since the first mail out last month we have been contacted by a number of people asking us to tell them what project X is; needless to say, the lips of our design team remain tightly sealed. A large number wondered whether this would be the introduction of the first carbon fibre Brompton. A few weeks ago we asked them whether Project X had anything to do with carbon fibre, their reply was a flat “No.”

They were a bit more forthcoming by the start of this month when Brompton was visited by Mayor of London, Boris Johnson.  As part of the factory tour, the Mayor was lucky enough to be given a demonstration of Project X by Will Butler-Adams, Managing Director, and Will Carleysmith, Head of Design. A keen bike rider himself, Boris was clearly impressed, so much so, that by the end of the demonstration he remarked:

“I tell you what, when that’s released, I want to be the first to have one”.
Boris Johnson touring the factory with MD Will Butler-Adams and discussing
components of Project X with Head of design Will Carleysmith.

We hope to have more information for you in the coming weeks.
Kind regards,
An excited Brompton team

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