Saturday 31 December 2011

The last ride of 2011








Saturday 24 December 2011

A Winter Ride in Tokyo






Lots of conferences and meetings, and some parties were held in December.  These events bothered me from cycling to and from my office.  Even if I have nothing to do after work, the cold weather in Tokyo froze my body and motivation to cycle.

There were only few days left until The New Year's Day.  I rode my KOGA bike this morning, and enjoyed about an hour cycling to the office.  It was a cold morning today, but relatively uncrowded roads and beautiful sky cheered me up very much.  I would say it was a lovely ride this morning.

The temperature was around 3 degree in celcius.  I was almost frozen at first, but after 10 to 20 minutes, my body became warm enough to pedal.  My hands were covered by gloves and it was OK.  The only places never get warm were my toes.  Even though I kept pedaling for an hour, my toes never got warm.  I think I need warmer shoes or shoe covers for winter rides.

One thing I found it nice about winter rides was that I never got sweating.  Actually I got sweat a little bit but it soon dried out.  I don't need spare shirts or underwear.

The next ride will be start tomorrow morning.  After finishing my duty tonight, I will pedal my bike toward home.

Saturday 10 December 2011

出張with Brompton計画



   I have been thinking about Going out for a Business trip with my Brompton for months.  but I am not the kind of business person going out for business trips frequently so I really don't know the place very well when I visit somewhere for business matter.

   Nagoya is the only city I visit on a periodic basis, usually twice a year.  Additionally, I had another business trip to Nagoya so I visit there two weeks in a row on this month.  Yesterday, I checked around the city and seemed all right for cycling.

   I might bring my Brompton next week ....  

Tuesday 6 December 2011

First impression about KOGA

Road Bikeを購入してからまだ4回しか乗っていませんが、総走行距離80km程度の時点での感想をいくつか、、、

1. 速い。
2. 加速が良い。
3. 軽い。
4. 格好良い
5. 顔に受ける風が強い。
6. 坂道が辛くない。
7. 一時駐輪は盗難が怖くて出来そうもない。
8. また乗りたくなる。
9. 横風がこわい。


My first impression about Road bike...
1. fast.  much faster than I expected.
2. The bike can easily be accelerated
3. light
4. cool and stylish
5. My face was bothered by opposing wing
6. no problem with climbing the slopes
7. I never parked my bike on the street not to be stolen.
8. I want to ride more and more
9. side winds sometimes scared me.

My next ride will be on Sunday.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Applied for the first Triathlon Race on next April in Ishigaki-island.

Triathlon is becoming popular sport in Japan.  And I am one of these who want to become a triathlete.  As I wrote previously, I have done aquathlon on last October although the result was horrible.

Today, I applied for my first triathlon race coming next April.  It will be held in Ishigaki island, a beautiful island located in East China Sea.  This race is one of the most popular triathlon competition in Japan.  My friends told me that I should apply on line within the opening day of registration.

And today was the day of opening registration for the competition.   The opening time was 12 o'clock.  Unfortunately I was out of office and I could not access the website at the time of opening.  Actually I am in the middle of the luncheon seminar.  I left the seminar room as fast as I could and It was about 12:40 when I could open my Macbook Pro.

I finished my registration in 5 minutes and my registration number was 783.  Only 1050 seats were available and some of those were reserved by Travel agencies.  If I spent a couple of hours until registration I guess I could not make it.  In fact, the website for registration closed before 2:30 or 3 o'clock.

Anyway, I made it, fortunately.  All I need to do is to train more and more and to prepare for the race.




Sunday 27 November 2011







Wednesday 23 November 2011

First Ride, arrived at home without accidents.

I, Ichiro Koga, took a first ride on the brand new KOGA and returned home without any accidents.

It was my first ride on a road bike.  It was quite scaring for the first moment.  I wore a pair of ordinary sneakers instead of binding shoes.  Because I did not think that I could make it with binding shoes on.  And I realized that it was a right choice.

It was slightly shorter than one hour to back home.  I thanked god that I returned home safe, without any accidents.

Also, I thanked my wife.  She allowed me to have a new road bike to train and to participate triathlon races.

今日、Y's Road 池袋店で私のKOGA 3Kの完成車を受け取りました。最初にお店に電話をかけたときから今日まで大変親身に対応して下さったHさんは、今日はOFFだったにもかかわらず、開店早々からお店に駆けつけてくれました。いつか、友人から「××から買いたい」と言われるのが営業担当としては誉れなのだという話を聞きましたが、今後自転車を購入することがあればまたHさんに相談したいと思っています。

私にとって、Road Bikeに乗るのはこれが初めて。友人のRoadにまたがったことはありましたが、文字通りまたがっただけです。漕いだことも、シフトチェンジしたことも無く、よろよろと店を後にしたあとは、ひとまず転ばないよう、ぶつけないよう、ぶつけられないように心がけました。



Sunday 20 November 2011

The Road to my road-bike





横文字のBrand nameが格好良いと感じるのは私が素人だからでしょうか。やはり自転車が文化として根付いている欧州で支持を得ているBrandに惹かれていきました。友人が乗っているDe RosaやKUOTAは最初に候補として挙げました。

そんな中で私の心を掴んだのが、自転車の本場NetherlandのHandmade manufacturerであるKOGAでした。何故、日本と縁もゆかりもないオランダのメーカーのBrandがKOGAなのか、という単純にして奥深い疑問から私はこのBrandに興味を持ったことは確かです。創業者Andries Gaastraが、妻のMaiden nameであるKowalikと自らのSurnameであるGaastraから二文字ずつ取ってKOGAと名付けたとは、何という偶然でしょうか。

池袋にあるY's Roadに話を聞きがてらKOGAの現物を見に行ったのは9月末だったか、10月頭だったか。たまたま声を掛けた店員さんのHさんが、自身でKOGAに乗っていたこと、周りには滅多に見かけないが、自分は大変気に入っているという話、さらに乗り込んでいる実物を見せて貰ったことで私の心は固まり、その日のうちに注文を決心しました。




It has been 7 months since I started cycling to and back from work.  The views while cycling, although I have seen those from the front glass of my car, were fascinating and seemed totally different.  Summer time is too hot to cycle but winter time in Tokyo isn't too bad to cycle.

I am sure I love my Brompton and I will keep on cycling with it.  But I wanted something more.  Something faster.

One day, I met old friend of mine and he told me how fun triathlon is.  Oh, Boy! He bought a great road bike manufactured by De Rosa.  On that night, I decided to buy my road bike.

Road bikes are not cheap.  In fact, there is wide variation in prices.  But most of those attracted me were not cheap, cost more than a couple of thousand dollars at least.

I found one manufacturer in Netherland since I was so familiar to the name of the brand. KOGA.

Why is KOGA in Netherland?  The brand name KOGA named after top two letters of the founder's surname "Gaastra"and that of his wife "Kowalik".  What a coincidence!!

It was early October that I went to cycle shop in Ikebukuro, Tokyo.  I back-ordered 2012 model of KOGA Kimera 3K.   And I waited a bit more than a month to receive it.  Now I am really ready for triathlon races.

I changed the title of the blog and the logo.  I guess I spent quite amount of money until now.  From now, I have to prove that it is not waste of money.  And I am sure I can do it.  Please check once in sometimes that I keep working on it.

Wednesday 16 November 2011






来週、私の相棒が二台になります。今度やってくるのはRoad bikeです。Bromptonにはこれからも通勤の相棒として頑張って貰います。来週引き渡されるRoad Bikeには、トライアスロンなどのレースで私の相棒として走って貰おうと思っています。


Tuesday 8 November 2011

What I need to lose weight... 減量も壁にぶつかり。。。







Week 0 92.4kg
Week 1 92.0kg
Week 2 91.3kg
Week 3 90.2kg
Week 4 ---------
Week 5 87.8kg
Week 6 87.7kg
Week 7 86.4kg
Week 8 86.7kg


Tuesday 25 October 2011

Sudden death during the triathlon トライアスロン中の突然死について




気になったので、Triathlon, deathというキーワードで論文を検索してみたところ、今年のJAMA(Journal of American Medical Association)誌にSudden death during the triathlonというタイトルのResearch letterが掲載されていました。

2006年から2008年にかけて米国で開催されたトライアスロン大会のべ出場者959,214名のうち、14名が死亡しており、参加者100,000万人あたり1.5名が亡くなっている計算になります。そのうち、13名はSwim競技の間に亡くなっており、Bikeで1名、Runでは一人もなくなっていませんでした。Swimの距離別では750mから1500m(恐らくsprintからOlympic distance まで)がやや少ないようですが、他の距離と比較して特に有意な差はなさそうです。





Sudden Death During the Triathlon
  1. Kevin M. Harris
  2. ,
  3. Jason T. Henry, BA
  4. Eric Rohman, BA;
  5. Tammy S. Haas, RN
  6. Barry J. Maron, MDMinneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, Abbott Northwe
Next SectionPrevious SectionNext SectionPrevious SectionNext 
To the Editor: Triathlon is among the most vigorous amateur athletic disciplines, requiring expertise in swimming, biking, and running.1​,2,3 Although sudden death risk has been assessed for the amateur marathon,4 it has not been systematically investigated for triathlon.
Participants who completed 2971 USA Triathlon (USAT) sanctioned events from January 2006 through September 2008 were tabulated using online race results (approximately 95% of event results).5 Participants in nonsanctioned races, relay races, or triathlons without full swim-bike-run sequence were excluded. Deaths were identified in the US Registry of Sudden Deaths in Athletes6 and USAT records,5 which have tabulated these events over 30 and 5 years, respectively; autopsy reports were obtained from medical examiners. The Abbott Northwestern Hospital institutional review board determined this study was exempt. Confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using Poisson analysis (JMP version 7; SAS Institute Inc, Cary, North Carolina).
A total of 959 214 participants were analyzed (mean [SD], 323 [444] per race); 59% were men. Forty-five percent competed in short (swim <750 m), 40% in intermediate (swim 750-1500 m), and 15% in long (swim >1500 m) triathlon races (Table).
Fourteen participants died during 14 triathlons (rate, 1.5 per 100 000 participants; 95% CI, 0.9-2.5), including 13 while swimming and 1 biking (Table). Athletes who died were 28 to 65 years old (mean [SD] age, 44 [10] years). Triathlons with deaths included more participants (n = 1319; 95% CI, 1084-1584) than races without deaths (n = 318; 95% CI, 302-334). Of the swimming deaths, 11 were men and 2 were women.
Six deaths occurred in short, 4 in intermediate, and 3 in long races (2 in an Ironman triathlon). Eight swimmers were in distress and called for assistance, and 5 were found motionless on the water. Deaths occurred in the open ocean (n = 6), lakes (n = 4), reservoirs (n = 2), or a river (n = 1). The bicycle fatality resulted from a fall causing cervical injuries.
Drowning was the declared cause of each swimming death, but 7 of 9 athletes with autopsy had cardiovascular abnormalities identified. Six had mild left ventricular hypertrophy with maximum wall thickness of 15 to 17 mm and mean (SD) heart weight of 403 (77) g, including 1 with a clinical history of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. One other athlete had a congenital coronary arterial anomaly, and 2 had structurally normal hearts.
Although the contribution of cardiovascular abnormalities cannot be definitively excluded in some cases,2 logistical factors and adverse environmental conditions may have been responsible for these events, given that about 95% of triathlon fatalities occurred during the swimming segment. Furthermore, deaths were more common in triathlons involving greater numbers of competitors. Because triathlons begin with chaotic, highly dense mass starts, involving up to 2000 largely novice competitors entering the water simultaneously, there is opportunity for bodily contact and exposure to cold turbulent water.3 Triathlons also pose inherent obstacles to identifying distressed athletes and initiating timely resuscitation on open water. Compared with these triathlon findings, marathon racing analyzed for more than 3 million runners over 30 years reported a mortality rate of 0.8 per 100 000 participants (95% CI, 0.5-1.1).4
Study limitations include the possibility that all sudden deaths may not have been identified, as neither of the registries is based on mandatory reporting. Although it is not possible to determine the precise number of US triathlons annually, USAT events likely represent a large proportion. This study was designed to explore risk per participation; an unknown number of athletes competed more than once within the data set.
Although mass screening before competition may be impractical, awareness of cardiovascular risks may motivate athletes to seek preparticipation evaluations on an individual basis. Efforts to improve triathlon safety could include establishing minimum achievement standards for participation, including swimming proficiency.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Aquathlon 完走御礼






学会場に丸善やその他の書店が出張店舗を営業しているように、トライアスロングッズを販売するテントが軒を連ねていました。ゼッケンを胸に巻きつけるバンドとOpenwater swimming用のゴーグルを購入しました。




















Saturday 22 October 2011

One day to go. Carbo-loading 大会前のカーボローディング






引用サイト 日清ファルマ株式会社 カーボローディング講座

   When I was a member of the swim team in Medical School, I often ate pasta, spaghetti before competitions in order to carbo-load into my body.  But I have to confess that I did not understand the proper procedure of cargo-loading, so I often practiced very hard and went out for drinking even before the competitions.

   And the word 'Carbo-loading' came back on my mind several days ago.  As I wrote previously, I am trying to lose my weight by exercising and changing dietary habit.  Even in this week, I did ride a bike for more than one hour everyday and I have eaten less carbohydrate meal until today.  In my calculation, I will swim and run for 40 to 45 minutes tomorrow and I need around 200g of carbo-loading in my body.  Although I have enough fat, it doesn't work for me during aquathlon tomorrow.  I definitely need more carbo-hydrate tonight.

   This morning, I requested pasta for today's dinner to my wife and I explained her why I need pasta tonight.

   And one more good news for me.  Tomorrow's Yokohama's weather forecast has changed a little bit.  Rain will be stopped just before my start of aquathlon and the temperature will be slightly warmer than today.

   I wish I could write a good news tomorrow.

Sunday 16 October 2011

7 days to go.

My first Aquathlon is coming on next Sunday.

Today's swim

warming up 450m
swim 200 x 10, interval 4'00
3'17, 16,16, 16,,,,,,,,,,3"15, 3'17

cooling down 250m

Total 2700m

plus about 1.5 hour relaxed cycling






Saturday 15 October 2011

My first Aquathlon is coming on next Sunday.

To prepare for my first aquatholon race coming next Sunday, I went to the swimming pool today.

Today's menu

Interval 2 minutes
100m x 20
it took 1'30 for the first 100m and took 1'38 for the last one.

cooling down
100m x 3

total 2300m






本当は、Swim, Bike, Runと全て参加したかったのですが、まだバイクが手元になく、体の準備も不十分ですので、SwimとRunだけの参加としました。

Wear a Helmet before you go.  ヘルメットをかぶりませう。

When you ride your bike, you need to wear a helmet.


cited from iBrompton

Sunday 9 October 2011

Palace cycling with my son







I have been waiting for today to cycle around Imperial Palace in Central Tokyo.  Unfortunately, Elder son was not able to join me since he had exam in his cram school.  So I took my younger son to go to Imperial Palace.

  Palace Cycling is a kind of event for cyclists.  A part of the road around Imperial Palace was provided only for cyclists between 10-16 on every Sunday.

   It is not to mention that It was such a beautiful scenery around the road.  No automobiles disturb us from cycling, no air pollution, no immoral cyclists (staffs may be from Japan Cycling Association give warnings to this kind of cyclists).

   Even if you are a tourist, there is free rental bike service.  So if you have a chance to visit Tokyo on Sunday and feel like cycling, why don't you go to Nijyuu-bashi to pick up a bicycle and take a ride.  

Tuesday 4 October 2011

1500m swim





Tuesday 27 September 2011

91.3kg / lost 1.1 kg in two weeks so far.

I made it a rule to weigh my weight every Monday since I can manage to make time to go to swimming.  So every time I finish swimming I weigh my weigh.  I Started weighing 2 weeks ago and it was 92.4kg at that time.

Last week was 92.0kg

Yesterday, 91.3kg.  My 1500(plus 50) meter swim took 26 minutes 35 seconds. Approximately 25 minutes 45 seconds for 1500m.  It was not too bad at this moment weighing 92.4kg.

I have to confess that I weighed only 72kg when I was in medical school.  It is a very long way to be what I used to be.  My first goal is 90kg by Aquathlon in October. The second goal is 85 by the end of the year.  The third goal is 80 by My first Triathlon challenge in next April.

I keep working combining swimming, cycling and sometimes running all together,

Let's see how I can manage my weight.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Palace cycling / 内堀通りが自転車天国



Today is the day my son go to Sunday clam school of science experiments.  I thought it would be more fun if he went there by bike.  So I  decided to take him there by bike.  It was about 10km distance from my apartment.  Although roads on the way usually have heavy traffic, we arrived at the destination safe and secure.



While he was taking the class, I went to Uchibori Street, the street around Imperial palace.  This street is open to cyclists on every Sunday.  No automobiles, no motorcycles, nothing but bicycles.

Not only road bikes, there are all kinds of bicycles cycling together.  It not to mention that the road condition is more than perfect since this is the street in front of Imperial palace.

I am quite sure I will be back there again and next time I will take two sons with bicycles.

Thursday 22 September 2011

INSTALMENT FOUR / Bromptonからの手紙 その4


PROJECT Xの正体も分かりましたね。しかし、英国とドイツのみの先行発売と言うことで、日本でお目にかかれる日はまだ先のようです。


Here I received a message from Brompton.  Now Project X is revealed a bit more.  

eBrompton is not what I really expected because I don't need e-assisted pedals.  I rather expected much lighter Brompton than -x model...

In fact, there are a lot of e-bikes in Japan and they are very popular mainly among young and middle aged women.  So let's see what eBrompton is like.


Project X has been running for some months now and we have received a number of enquiries as a result. Guesses of what Project X might be have ranged from a fully titanium Brompton (it’s not), to a carbon fibre Brompton (no again) to a pair of Brompton-branded slippers (definitely not, but full marks for imagination).
We are now in a position where we are happy to reveal to you a project we have been working on for the past six years.

Project X is the code name for the eBrompton. The eBrompton is a Brompton in every sense; it folds to the compact size you have come to expect, it outperforms its peers and it is robust. But it has something extra...
The ‘extra’ comes in the form of pedal-assist, provided by a powerful motor. 
Initially, the eBrompton will be made in a limited run and restricted to two territories in 2012: the UK and Germany. If you are in either of these countries and would like to be considered for these early-release bikes you will be able to register your interest for this in the near future. 

We are expecting full roll-out, including the ability to retrofit, by 2013.

Excited? We are.

In terms of how the bicycle will work, and its full spec, we’re no pushovers; you’ll have to wait for the next update for more information. Let’s just say, we expect great things…

Best wishes,

The Brompton team

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Marion and Andries / what a coincidence ! !

イタリアの自転車に負けない高い品質の自転車を世に送り出したいという思いを胸にAndries Gaastraは、オランダの自転車メーカーBatavusを職を退きました。時は1974年、オランダの人々はより多くの時間を余暇に充てることが出来るようになってきた時期であったようです。

彼の妻の名はMarion Kowalik。Andriesは妻の姓であるKowalikからKOを、自らの姓であるGaastraからGAを取り、1974年に自ら設立した新会社の名前をKOGAとした。

Building the very best bicycles in the world and winning as many gold medals as possible.

その志の通り、Racerは1974年の起業時から、Touringは1978年から、Trekkingは1982年から生産を開始している。その生産拠点はオランダのへーレンフェーンにあり、現在もKOGAが作る自転車にはMade in Hollandと記されています。


Since 1974 people have had more time for leisure activities, because the working week got shorter. Koga, as a newly-founded cycle manufacturer, took immediate advantage of this trend. Andries Gaastra, former Sales Manager at Batavus, founded Koga B.V. when his father Gerrit sold the Batavus business. He joined the first two letters of his wife’s surname with the first two of his own to form the brand name Koga.

Gaastra’s aim was to bring an exclusive range of lightweight bikes to market. He built the very first Koga at his own home in Oranjewoud, near Heerenveen. Gaastra quickly decided to specify components only from exclusive suppliers, so as to meet the highest quality expectations. Once Koga had become an importer of Shimano components, a network developed including other Japanese cycle manufacturers. Among them was Miyata, a company which at this time had already been producing cycle frames for 80 years. Until 2010 Koga frames were produced by Miyata, and the suffix Miyata was placed after the brand name Koga.

In fact, the brand name "KOGA" has nothing to do with Japanese.  It was just a coincidence, but it was a great coincidence that Andries named his new company KOGA.

What do you think if you see a beautiful road bike with your name designed and printed on the frame?  It's great, isn't it?

Monday 19 September 2011

MY OWN DOMAIN NAME ドメインネーム取得の記憶

日本人にとってまだインターネットに馴染みの薄かった1996〜7年頃、私はあるコンピュータ雑誌で紹介されていた起業家がDomain nameを独自に取得した記事を見て、KOGAにちなんだDomain nameの取得を画策しました。当時、比較的取得しやすかったのは.com, .org, .netの3種類。日本では,, ne.jpにあたりますが、取得するなら本家をと言う気持ちも強く、.com, .org, .netの三種類に的を絞りました。





It was somewhere around 1996~7 when I decided to apply for my own domain name.  Although there were domain names end with .jp for which I can apply in Japan, I was looking for the domain name end with .com, .org, .net.

Unfortunately was already taken by other company and was not available either.  But nobody had applied for at that moment and I took it.  Until today I have been using the domain name

The other day, One single bicycle reminded me of the memory of  Yes, it was a bicycle manufacturing company in Netherland.  It was the first time for me to see the bike manufactured by KOGA.

It was beautiful.  It seemed strong, tuff, powerful, and sophisticated.  And I really liked the brand name KOGA.  Exactly the same as my family name.

BUT why they named their company KOGA?  I thought that is a Dutch company... Is KOGA a popular family name in Netherland???

SO I started to find out why...


Sunday 18 September 2011

To begin with / いろはの「い」


WIKIPEDIAを見てみると、一口にトライアスロンと言っても大会によってその距離は様々のようです。Triathlonの起源、現在まで続く大会であるIronman world championshipの第一回が1978年にハワイで開催されたときの距離が、Swim3.8km、Bike180km、Run42.195kmで、以後Ironmanと呼ばれる大会はこの距離で行われているようです。そしてこの規格はIronman distanceと呼ばれています。

一方で、1982年にInternational Triathlon Unionは、新たな規格としてShort distanceを定義しており、Swim1.5km, Bike40km, Run10kmの合計51.5kmに設定しています。後にオリンピックの正式種目として採用された2000年のSydney大会以降はOlympic Distanceとも呼ばれています。

このほかにもOlympicの1/4、1/2に相当するSupersprint, sprintと呼ばれる規格や約2倍、約3倍に相当するMiddle, Longなどの規格があるようですが、雑誌を眺める限り日本ではOlympic DistanceとLong、Ironmanが大半を占めるようです。

私の場合、当面の目標としているのはオリンピックディスタンスと呼ばれているSwim 1.5km、Bike 40km、Run 10kmです。正直、これらの距離を別々に行うとすれば、大変ではありますが不可能ではないだろうと思えるのです。特にSwimの1.5kmは、決して難しい距離ではありません。先日、スポーツクラブでコースを独占できたことがあり、試しに1.5kmを頑張りすぎないようにゆっくりと泳いでみたところ25分55秒でした。さほど疲れず、これなら良いだろうという感触でした。




Triathlon(from Wikipedia)

The three typical components of triathlon: swimming, cycling, and running
triathlon is a multi-sport event involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance events.[1] While many variations of the sport exist, triathlon, in its most popular form, involves swimmingcycling, and running in immediate succession over various distances. Triathletes compete for fastest overall course completion time, including timed "transitions" between the individual swim, bike, and run components.[1]
Triathlon races vary in distance. According to the International Triathlon Union, and USA Triathlon, the main international race distances are Sprint distance (750 m swim, 20 km bike, 5 km run), Intermediate (or Standard) distance, commonly referred to as "Olympic distance" (1.5 km swim, 40 km ride, 10 km run), the Long Course (1.9 km swim, 90 km ride, 21.1 km run, such as the Half Ironman), and Ultra Distance (3.8 km swim, 180 km ride, and a marathon: 42.2 km run); the most recognized branded Ultra Distance is the Ironman triathlon.[2]

My first goal is to finish an Olympic Distance race.  According to the website explaining about how to train for triathlon races for beginners, the first step is to complete each of these three distances.

Swimming 1.5km is not a big deal for me.  Since I am not a competitive swimmer any longer, I can not swim fast but I am quite sure that I can finish 1.5km swim.

But I haven't even tried cycling 40km or running 10km.  The distance between my office and my apartment is about 17km and I can finish that distance by one hour.  The longest distance I ran in my life was 8km (when I was in High School!!).

So I tried 1 hour ride today.  There was a 1.8km course near by.  I went back and forth 6 1/2 times in 1 hour and finished 23.4km.  I kept the pace not too fast.  I kept the pace rather comfortable.  It was not too bad.  And I think I can finish 40km with that pace next time.

Friday 16 September 2011

Old friend's collection







On the way back home, I stopped by my old friend's condo.  He started cycling several years ago and he owns multiple bikes.  He showed me all of his collections.  Actually, they were all beautiful.  Among those, KUOTA - carbon frame road bike, and originally designed steel frame bike were my favorite.

The big issue is the price of road bikes.  I need to make really good strategy to persuade my family to buy a new road bike.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Cycling's contribution


Thursday 8 September 2011

To all the 5050 visitors

   I would like to thank all of you visited my website from all over the world.  I am very glad to see more than 30 Flags here.  Please keep in touch and see me soon.

   Once again, thank you very much.



Tuesday 6 September 2011

Back to Cycle

Kids went back to school on the 1st of September.  And I started cycling again today.

Today's route/今日のルートはこちら

There are several reasons why I am back in cycling today.
The 1st reason is that weather is little bit milder than that in August.  Comfortable weather for cycling is back now.

The 2nd reason is that I gained weight during 'summer break' .  Several days ago, I set my life time body weight record.  No more sushi and YAKINIKU(Japanese style grilled beef).  I have to keep myself healthy until all of my kids grow up.

The 3rd reason is that I did not give up trying Triathlon next year.  I have to make my legs ready to swim, to run and to cycle.

And today, I realized that cycling in TOKYO is ....... so gooood.


