というメールをもらいました。彼にしてみれば、こんな少ししかという意味合いで送ってくれているのでしょうが、なかなかどうして、今でも結構泳いでますね。しかも速いじゃないですか。きっと平泳ぎもちょっとした自由形よりは早いくらいのスピードでしょうからまだまだ現役時代の体を維持しているのか もしれません。さすがです。
先日、やっとの思いで時間を空けて都心部にあるKONAMI SPORTSで泳いでいると、一番端の第1コースにぞろぞろとおば様たちが入ってこられました。私は第2コースを泳いでいたので、にわかに水中から見える足の数が増えたなぁと思っていたのですが、程なくして泳いでいる私は監視員に引き止められ、
It was 14 years ago when I set up my first blog on the internet. The word "blog" was not popular at the time and I named "diary". It was about my swimming exercise since I was a member of swim team in the University.
Yesterday, I received a massage from one of my old team mate when I was in medical school swimming team. He was really a good swimmer in both breaststroke and long distance freestyle.
He wrote "I am swimming only a set of 1000m freestyle plus 1000m breaststroke and finish it in about a half hour." I guess he meant to say he swims only 2000m a time lately. But this message surprised me. He still is a good swimmer, way above the average level of mid thirty surgeon swimmers. Good work Akira-san.
I do swim a half hour every time but very slowly and comfortably. I never make flipturns because normally I share the narrow swimming lane with other swimmers and flipturns sometimes disturb them.
Last Saturday, I managed to make time to go to the membership-based fitness club to have a half hour swimming. Normally, the swimming pool is separated in two or three parts. Two or three lanes for swimmers and one for walkers. Occasionally one lane is used for swimming lessons or aqua-cise lessons.
When I was swimming, I noticed many legs came into the neighbouring lane and I found those were relatively old. Soon after that one of the club staff stopped me and urged to move to another lane since this lane is also used for aqua-cise. He explained that 2 lanes will be used for aqua-cise and only one lane is spared for swimmers.
It was obvious that there are more swimmers for one lane and those aqua-cise participants seemed to have enough space in one lane. But the staff continuously explained to swimmers
"Normally, we use two lanes for aqua-cise."
I was old enough to stop complaining about this any more. So I quitted swimming and went to the shower room.
I will not say that all the sport facilities in Tokyo have the same situation like this. But basically swimming pools in central area of Tokyo are relatively small and not very comfortable for competitive swimmers to make many flip turns.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Can women also suffer from bicycle seat neuropathy? 女性にもサイクリングによる会陰部の感覚障害が起こるのか?
これまで3回にわたってCyclingとErectile Dysfunction(ED)の関連について過去の論文を検証してきました。残念ながら、論文を読み進めるほどに、自転車に乗る男性にEDや陰茎、会陰部の感覚障害が多く認められるという私にとっては信じたくない事実がより明白になっていきました。
陰部のvibratory thresholds(VT)の測定値を比較しているようで、VT値が低ければより敏感に振動を関知し、逆にVT値が高ければ知覚が低下していることを示唆します。会陰部のいくつかの部位についてVT値を測定した結果、bicyclistの女性達はrunnerの女性に比べてVT値が高かったのです。すなわち、何からの会陰部の知覚低下にcyclingが寄与している可能性が示唆されたわけです。
As I wrote previously, the correlation between cycling and ED seems ovious. There is a simple question came across in my mind...how about women??
There was one interesting article published in 2006. It was toTo evaluate the effects of bicycling on genital sensation and sexual function in women.
陰部のvibratory thresholds(VT)の測定値を比較しているようで、VT値が低ければより敏感に振動を関知し、逆にVT値が高ければ知覚が低下していることを示唆します。会陰部のいくつかの部位についてVT値を測定した結果、bicyclistの女性達はrunnerの女性に比べてVT値が高かったのです。すなわち、何からの会陰部の知覚低下にcyclingが寄与している可能性が示唆されたわけです。
As I wrote previously, the correlation between cycling and ED seems ovious. There is a simple question came across in my mind...how about women??
There was one interesting article published in 2006. It was toTo evaluate the effects of bicycling on genital sensation and sexual function in women.
Guess et al. J Sex Med. 2006 Nov;3(6):1018-27. Genital sensation and sexual function in women bicyclists and runners: are your feet safer than your seat?
To evaluate the effects of bicycling on genital sensation and sexual function in women.
Healthy, premenopausal, competitive women bicyclists and runners (controls) were compared.
(1) Genital vibratory thresholds (VTs) were determined using the Medoc Vibratory Sensation Analyzer 3000. (2) Sexual function and sexually related distress were assessed by the Dennerstein Personal Experience Questionnaire (SPEQ) and the Female Sexual Distress Scale (FSDS).
Forty-eight bicyclists and 22 controls were enrolled. The median age was 33 years. The bicyclists were older, had higher body mass indices (BMIs), were more diverse in their sexual orientation, and were more likely to have a current partner. Bicyclists rode an average of 28.3 +/- 19.7 miles/day (range 4-100), 3.8 +/- 1.5 days/week, for an average of 2.1 +/- 1.8 hours/ride. The mean number of years riding was 7.9 +/- 7.1 years (range 0.5-30). Controls ran an average of 4.65 +/- 2.1 miles/day (range 1.5-8) and 5.0 +/- 1.2 days/week. On bivariate analysis, bicyclists had significantly higher VTs than runners, indicating worse neurological function at all sites (P < 0.05). Multivariate analysis found significant correlations between higher VTs and bicycling at the left and right perineum, posterior vagina, left and right labia. Increasing VTs at the clitoris, anterior vagina, and urethra were associated with age. In bicyclists, there were no correlations between VTs and miles biked per week, duration of riding, or BMI. Composite SPEQ scores indicated normal sexual function in all sexually active subjects. Neither group suffered from sexually related distress.
There is an association between bicycling and decreased genital sensation in competitive women bicyclists. Negative effects on sexual function and quality of life were not apparent in our young, healthy premenopausal cohort.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
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この写真は営団地下鉄車内。山手線に比べ若干隙間が狭いためBromptonの据わりが悪い。 |
"TSU-YU" means rainy season in Japan. Usually in Tokyo, we have "TSU-YU"(=rainy season) from early June and to mid July. This year TSU-YU started a bit earlier.
Today's weather forecast in the morning said "a little chance of rain." So I bet on the bigger chance of fine weather and left home "with my Brompton on my hand". On the way to my office, I take trains of either overground or underground. The trains I take in the morning is usually not too crowded and I can find a place for my brompton on the floor. The best position for my brompton is the space between the door and the end of the bench seat.
Friday, 27 May 2011
Erectile Dysfunction due to cycling 自転車に乗ってEDになるのか?3
Decttori et al.J Urol. 2004 Aug;172(2):637-41. Erectile dysfunction after a long-distance cycling event: associations with bicycle characteristics.
full forward lean with aerodynamic bars
Gemery et al. BJU Int. 2007 Jan;99(1):135-40.
Digital three-dimensional modelling of the male pelvis and bicycle seats: impact of rider position and seat design on potential penile hypoxia and erectile dysfunction.
さらに2008年にSchraderらは、全米の大都市の自転車警察官を対象にSaddle noseのないnoseless saddleを6ヶ月間試みてもらい、noseless saddle使用前後でのED、感覚障害の変化を調べました。noseless saddleにすることで会陰部の圧迫は66%軽減しています。
個別に回答の得られた90名のほとんどは、業務に支障を来すことなくnoseless saddleに乗り、6ヶ月の後に元のサドルに戻すことを希望したのは僅かに3名でした。また、乗車中に陰部の感覚障害を一切経験しなかったと回答した割合は、従来のサドル使用時の27%から82%に増加したそうです。
Schrader et al. J Sex Med. 2008 Aug;5(8):1932-40. Epub 2008 May 7.
Decttori et al.J Urol. 2004 Aug;172(2):637-41. Erectile dysfunction after a long-distance cycling event: associations with bicycle characteristics.
full forward lean with aerodynamic bars
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通常の肘を伸ばしたスタイルに比べてエアロバーにもたれかかるスタイルでは恥骨結合がサドル面に密着する。 When a cyclist make a full forward lean style with aerobar |
Gemery et al. BJU Int. 2007 Jan;99(1):135-40.
Digital three-dimensional modelling of the male pelvis and bicycle seats: impact of rider position and seat design on potential penile hypoxia and erectile dysfunction.
さらに2008年にSchraderらは、全米の大都市の自転車警察官を対象にSaddle noseのないnoseless saddleを6ヶ月間試みてもらい、noseless saddle使用前後でのED、感覚障害の変化を調べました。noseless saddleにすることで会陰部の圧迫は66%軽減しています。
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四角い部分が会陰部、左がnoseless saddle、右が従来のサドル。 |
個別に回答の得られた90名のほとんどは、業務に支障を来すことなくnoseless saddleに乗り、6ヶ月の後に元のサドルに戻すことを希望したのは僅かに3名でした。また、乗車中に陰部の感覚障害を一切経験しなかったと回答した割合は、従来のサドル使用時の27%から82%に増加したそうです。
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青がnoseless saddle使用前、赤が使用後。一番左のNeverと答えた割合は28から82%に著増しています。 |
Cutting off the nose to save the penis.
By reading articles published by 2008, there seems to be no doubt about the correlation between cycling and erectile dysfunction. According to those articles, the risk factors are long distance rides, long time cycling, MTB, fully forward lean style with an aerobar, narrow flat saddles...
To be continued
By reading articles published by 2008, there seems to be no doubt about the correlation between cycling and erectile dysfunction. According to those articles, the risk factors are long distance rides, long time cycling, MTB, fully forward lean style with an aerobar, narrow flat saddles...
To be continued
Thursday, 26 May 2011
ツーキニストが日本を変えるか?誰が変えるか? Do TSUKINists change the world?
震災を機に急増しているCommuting Cyclistsに焦点をあてたこの特集は、個人レベルの取り組みだけでなく、国家としての自転車政策とその矛盾点の指摘、諸外国との比較(ロンドンを例に挙げて)から今後へ向けての問題提起で番組が構成されていました。
私がこの間まで滞在していたロンドンと東京を比較したときに最も大きな違いを挙げるとすれば、メインストリートでの路上駐車の有無と自転車運転者の法令順守意識に尽きます。Cyclised city Londonというキャンペーンは、渋滞緩和、医療費削減を掲げて始められたようですが、市民が自転車にのりたくなる、乗りやすい環境を提供する街作りを行っています。
日本のCycling revolutionは残念ながらまだ始まっていないようです。道路を管轄する警察庁が積極的な姿勢を示していないのは車道を自らの縄張りだと錯覚しているためかも知れません。皆さんは車道を走る警察官の白自転車を見かけたことがありますでしょうか?彼らには是非、正しい自転車走行の鏡となるべく振る舞って頂きたいと願わずにはいられません。
今夜のCycling back home 1時間3分の自己新記録でした。ライトも前後につけて、黄色いバックパックを背負って、ヘルメットも被りましたよ。勿論車道を走って。年を取ってから始めたサイクリングであり、つい先日まで車で通勤していたこともあり、車道を走っていても自分が自動車のドライバーの眼にどのように映っているかを意識します。恐らくそれが危険を顧みない若いCyclist達と私との最も大きな違いだろうと思います。彼らを責める気持ちよりも、車道で自らの命を危険にさらす彼らを気の毒に思う気持ちの方が大きいです。
震災を機に急増しているCommuting Cyclistsに焦点をあてたこの特集は、個人レベルの取り組みだけでなく、国家としての自転車政策とその矛盾点の指摘、諸外国との比較(ロンドンを例に挙げて)から今後へ向けての問題提起で番組が構成されていました。
私がこの間まで滞在していたロンドンと東京を比較したときに最も大きな違いを挙げるとすれば、メインストリートでの路上駐車の有無と自転車運転者の法令順守意識に尽きます。Cyclised city Londonというキャンペーンは、渋滞緩和、医療費削減を掲げて始められたようですが、市民が自転車にのりたくなる、乗りやすい環境を提供する街作りを行っています。
日本のCycling revolutionは残念ながらまだ始まっていないようです。道路を管轄する警察庁が積極的な姿勢を示していないのは車道を自らの縄張りだと錯覚しているためかも知れません。皆さんは車道を走る警察官の白自転車を見かけたことがありますでしょうか?彼らには是非、正しい自転車走行の鏡となるべく振る舞って頂きたいと願わずにはいられません。
My son kindly left me a surprise in HDD video recorder. It was a TV program “TSU-KIN-ists change the world”. TSU-KIN is a japanese word means commuting and TSU-KIN-ist is an artificial word derived from commuting cyclist.
A big trend of cycling came to Japan for the last few years and the trend got an extra boost after the earthquake in March this year. The program consisted of following issues, introduction of the current circumstances surrounding tsukininsts in Japan, the Japanese government policies, examples of foreign cities (Amsterdam and London), an expert’s opinion and proposal for the future.
As far as concerning the circumstances surrounding tsukininists, there are two big diffences between those in Tokyo and those in London. Tsukinists friendliness of the main streets and the tsukinists’ mind of compling traffic regulations.
I have seen cars parking on the streets in London. But parking is only permitted on the small roads in the residence areas and I haven rarely seen any parked cars on the main streets in central London. As the results of that, tsukininst(and other cyclists) were able to keep cycling on the left side of the streets.
On the other hand, in Tokyo, cars, trucks, taxis are parked on the main streets almost all the time. Sometimes legally by paying the fees into parking meters, most of the times illegally. Most of those are parked temporarily, but some of those are parked for hours. Those parked cars occupy the left side of the lane and obstruct tsukinints and other cyclists.
The second point. Many cyclists wear fluorescent colored vests or jackets and helmets and they ride bikes with the lights on. And almost all the cyclists follow the traffic regulations and traffic lights. I could not find any bicycle didn’t obey the red signal during my 3months stay in London. In Tokyo, even in this morning, I saw many bicycles crossing an intersection with red traffic light. You don’t see many cyclists or tsukinists with their helmets. And during the night time, it is not uncommon to cycle without any lights on. Cycling opposite side of streets, cycling on the pavements are also commonly seen in Japan(actually it is permitted to cycle some of those pavements in Japan). Not to mention that you won’t seldom see cyclists or tsukinists with fluorescent colored clothings.
Hopefully Japan is just taking the first step toward cycling revolution to make “cyclized” cities. There are many problems in both cyclists’ mind and public infrastructure and we need to find solutions for them to be “cyclisation” developed country. I assume that what we need in Japan is a strong promoter of “cyclisation” cities and the future vision of road traffic to make the roads where pedestrians. cars, and bicycles can live together.
今夜のCycling back home 1時間3分の自己新記録でした。ライトも前後につけて、黄色いバックパックを背負って、ヘルメットも被りましたよ。勿論車道を走って。年を取ってから始めたサイクリングであり、つい先日まで車で通勤していたこともあり、車道を走っていても自分が自動車のドライバーの眼にどのように映っているかを意識します。恐らくそれが危険を顧みない若いCyclist達と私との最も大きな違いだろうと思います。彼らを責める気持ちよりも、車道で自らの命を危険にさらす彼らを気の毒に思う気持ちの方が大きいです。
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Erectile Dysfunction due to cycling 自転車に乗ってEDになるのか?2
一般に症例報告は、過去に報告されていない珍しい疾患や症候群を世に伝えるためにあります。1987年にSolomon and CappanによってCyclingによるEDもしくは陰部の感覚障害が「症例報告」されたということは、これが当時珍しいと考えられていたからに他なりません。Cygling によるED、陰部の感覚障害は多くの人々に見られる症状であり、決して珍しい事では無いという事実が報告されるまで1987年の症例報告からさらに10年を要しました。
Andersen and Bovimは毎年、Norwayで行われているアマチュア自転車選手によるLong distance rideに参加した160名の男子選手達から回収したアンケート結果から、男子選手の22%が大会の後で何らかの神経障害を、13%(21名)がインポテンスを経験したことを報告しています。インポテンスを経験した21名の選手のうち11名が1週間以上、3名が1ヶ月以上症状が持続したことを報告しました。
Generally, case reports are written about the cases of uncommon diseases or syndromes. After Solomon and Cappa's case report published in 1987, it took 10 more years for Andersen and Bovim to report that ED due to cycling is not uncommon. The study was questionnaire based cross sectional study among Norwegian annual bicycle touring race of 540km. Among responded 160 male participants, 35(22%) reported symptoms from the innervation area of the pudendal or cavernous nerves. Impotence was reported by 21 (13%) of the males.
(Andersen and Bovim Acta Neurol Scand. 1997 Apr;95(4):233-40. Impotence and nerve entrapment in long distance amateur cyclists)
Andersen and Bovimは毎年、Norwayで行われているアマチュア自転車選手によるLong distance rideに参加した160名の男子選手達から回収したアンケート結果から、男子選手の22%が大会の後で何らかの神経障害を、13%(21名)がインポテンスを経験したことを報告しています。インポテンスを経験した21名の選手のうち11名が1週間以上、3名が1ヶ月以上症状が持続したことを報告しました。
Generally, case reports are written about the cases of uncommon diseases or syndromes. After Solomon and Cappa's case report published in 1987, it took 10 more years for Andersen and Bovim to report that ED due to cycling is not uncommon. The study was questionnaire based cross sectional study among Norwegian annual bicycle touring race of 540km. Among responded 160 male participants, 35(22%) reported symptoms from the innervation area of the pudendal or cavernous nerves. Impotence was reported by 21 (13%) of the males.
(Andersen and Bovim Acta Neurol Scand. 1997 Apr;95(4):233-40. Impotence and nerve entrapment in long distance amateur cyclists)
In 2001, Sommer and colleagues reported that cycling with upright position decrease the penile oxygen level significantly compare to standing or reclining position and concluded that there is a deficiency in penile perfusion caused by perineal arterial compression. And also indicated that longer distance cycling such as more than 400km per week is a risk factor of ED.
(Sommer et al. Eur Urol. 2001 Jun;39(6):720-3. Erectile dysfunction in cyclists. Is there any difference in penile blood flow during cycling in an upright versus a reclining position? )
(Sommer et al. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2001 Aug 24;126(34-35):939-43. [Changes in penile blood flow during cycling--how does one prevent a decreased perfusion?].)
(Jeong et al. Int J Impot Res. 2002 Dec;14(6):513-7. Bicycle saddle shape affects penile blood flow.)
もう一つは、2001年に3本の報告をしたグループで、サイクリング前とサイクリング後の陰茎を流れる血液中の酸素分圧を測定して、4種類のSaddleによる違いを比較検討しています。Saddleの形態により多少の変化はありましたが、最も良い結果が得られたのは、Saddle Noseのないタイプのものでした。(私、個人的には、通常の形態の3種類のSaddleの中ではBrooksと思われる革製のSaddleが最も良い成績であった点は意外でした。)
In 2002 two groups demonstrated that the shape of saddle affects significantly on penile blood flow and especially existence of saddle nose affect on decreasing penile perfusion. And one of the groups made a study to compare the decrease of oxygen level of penile blood flow using four types of saddles.
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Measuring attachment of transcutaneous penile oxygen pressure |
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A:narrow heavily padded saddle, B: narrow V-shaped grooving saddle, C: wide unpadded leather seat, D:no saddle nose seat |
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Decreased oxygen level (From left A,B,C,D), While the effect of noseless saddle is very limited, other three saddles decreased oxygen level of penile blood flow more than 50 %. |
(Schwarzer et al. Eur Urol. 2002 Feb;41(2):139-43.Cycling and penile oxygen pressure: the type of saddle matters.)
The first case of ED possibly affected by cycling reported in 1987. And by the time of 2002 three key features were known, this phenomenon was commonly observed among male cyclists, sitting on saddles compresses perineal area and obstructs blood flow, the shape of saddles is one of the key factors.
TO BE Continued
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Erectile Dysfunction due to cycling 自転車に乗ってEDになるのか?
As I wrote previously, I came home by bike and took me over an hour. The story began when I took off all the clothes I wore. I found my penis so shrivelled.that I could hardly recognize it was mine.
"Hello?? Are you all right??"
I tried to touch it very gingerly and examined. I concluded this was because of cold air and forgot about that when I got out of the bathroom and I don't even remember what it looked like after the shower.
すっかりそんな出来事も忘れていた先週末に、たまたま手にした自転車雑誌funrideの6月号のロングライドの大敵‘痛み‘解消という特集の一ページにサドル周りの痛みとErectile Dysfunction(勃起障害)の関連についての記事を見つけたのです。
The last weekend, when I was reading a bicycle magazine, I found a very small article but it seemed very curious. It said the compression caused between a saddle and perineal could be a cause of ED.
At the moment, that small shrivelled penis came across my mind. It must be this! Could be...I don't know for sure. Does anybody sure about this issue? So I started to search all the articles with the keywords [erectile dysfunction] AND [bicycle OR cycling]. There were only 39 hits. Much smaller number than I thought. So I started to read one by one.
医学論文は世界中の研究者によって書かれていますが、テーマを絞り、検索をかけることは比較的容易にできる作業です。PUBMEDで[erectile dysfunction] AND [bicycle OR cycling]で検索してみると39の文献が見つかりました。想像していたよりもずいぶんと少ないようです。
初めてこの事象を論文として世に報告したのは、 Solomon and Cappaでした。1987年に発表されたこの論文では、ある青年が自転車に乗り始めたことをきっかけに亀頭部の感覚障害とED(この文献ではprogressive impairment of sexual potencyと書かれている)を発症し、自転車に乗るのをやめた後で機能が回復したことを示しています。原因として血流の障害と神経障害の可能性を挙げ、おそらく同様の事象に悩む人は多いのではないかとまとめています。
The first journal published in 1987 by Solomon and Cappa reported a case report suggesting cycling caused transient tight sensation around penile head and progressive impairment of sexual potency. And they speculated that impotence has been associated with both vascular and neural lesions.
To be continued...
As I wrote previously, I came home by bike and took me over an hour. The story began when I took off all the clothes I wore. I found my penis so shrivelled.that I could hardly recognize it was mine.
"Hello?? Are you all right??"
I tried to touch it very gingerly and examined. I concluded this was because of cold air and forgot about that when I got out of the bathroom and I don't even remember what it looked like after the shower.
すっかりそんな出来事も忘れていた先週末に、たまたま手にした自転車雑誌funrideの6月号のロングライドの大敵‘痛み‘解消という特集の一ページにサドル周りの痛みとErectile Dysfunction(勃起障害)の関連についての記事を見つけたのです。
The last weekend, when I was reading a bicycle magazine, I found a very small article but it seemed very curious. It said the compression caused between a saddle and perineal could be a cause of ED.
At the moment, that small shrivelled penis came across my mind. It must be this! Could be...I don't know for sure. Does anybody sure about this issue? So I started to search all the articles with the keywords [erectile dysfunction] AND [bicycle OR cycling]. There were only 39 hits. Much smaller number than I thought. So I started to read one by one.
医学論文は世界中の研究者によって書かれていますが、テーマを絞り、検索をかけることは比較的容易にできる作業です。PUBMEDで[erectile dysfunction] AND [bicycle OR cycling]で検索してみると39の文献が見つかりました。想像していたよりもずいぶんと少ないようです。
初めてこの事象を論文として世に報告したのは、 Solomon and Cappaでした。1987年に発表されたこの論文では、ある青年が自転車に乗り始めたことをきっかけに亀頭部の感覚障害とED(この文献ではprogressive impairment of sexual potencyと書かれている)を発症し、自転車に乗るのをやめた後で機能が回復したことを示しています。原因として血流の障害と神経障害の可能性を挙げ、おそらく同様の事象に悩む人は多いのではないかとまとめています。
The first journal published in 1987 by Solomon and Cappa reported a case report suggesting cycling caused transient tight sensation around penile head and progressive impairment of sexual potency. And they speculated that impotence has been associated with both vascular and neural lesions.
To be continued...
Monday, 23 May 2011
Exercise and Eat 運動たのしきゃ、メシもうまい
Today's weather forcast was right. Rain. Rain in the afternoon. My wife checked the the weather forcast and advised me not to go by bike today. So I took the overground train to go to work.
In the afternoon, I checked outside several times and didn't see raining. I almost regretted that I should have come to work by bike......but my wife was right. It started raining.
So I went to the gym and had 1.5km swim today. I didn't know why but my body felt so heavy in the swimming pool.(You will find the answer in the last paragraph) I swam 400 meters three times and 300meters once.
There is no new bicycle related pictures today as I didn't ride a bike. Instead, I would like to introduce two Japanese dishes. As you know I love to ride a bike now. But I guess I have to confess that I also love to eat a lot more! These are dishes for my dinner last night. Big enough for two persons.
Today's weather forcast was right. Rain. Rain in the afternoon. My wife checked the the weather forcast and advised me not to go by bike today. So I took the overground train to go to work.
In the afternoon, I checked outside several times and didn't see raining. I almost regretted that I should have come to work by bike......but my wife was right. It started raining.
So I went to the gym and had 1.5km swim today. I didn't know why but my body felt so heavy in the swimming pool.(You will find the answer in the last paragraph) I swam 400 meters three times and 300meters once.
There is no new bicycle related pictures today as I didn't ride a bike. Instead, I would like to introduce two Japanese dishes. As you know I love to ride a bike now. But I guess I have to confess that I also love to eat a lot more! These are dishes for my dinner last night. Big enough for two persons.
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BUTADON, Pork Bowl, sauteed pork on rice. soy sause taste |
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OOMORI ZARUSOBA, buckwheat cold noodle with dried sea wead on top. |
Sunday, 22 May 2011
What if you were involved with a traffic accident in developing countries? 途上国で交通事故にあったらどうするか
やはり、自転車に乗る限りは交通事故の問題を避けて通ることは難しいと思います。先日のThe Lancetの冒頭にあった歩行者と自転車に優しい街作りは、幹細胞移植に比べれば最先端とは言えないけれど、最先端の医療よりも遙かに多くの命を救うことにつながるのだという記事が頭から離れません。
Since I read the editorial of The Lancet, I was wondering what I can do if I got involved with a traffic accindent in developing countries. I sent an e-mail to my friend Steve, highly skilled Canadian orthopaedic surgeon, to ask his opinion.
He kindly sent me very quickly, "Thanks, Steve"
......I see a lot of people who get hurt in car accidents in low income countries and usually have to redo the surgery as it was done wrong or the wrong hardware was put in for the fracture( maybe that was all that was available). The best thing if you can is to splint the fracture if possible and fly home asap. The infrastructure for emergency response and trauma care is just not there in these developing countries as it is in our countries........
I would agree with Steve 100% about this issue. I think the point is (as he mentioned) in developing countries both medical facilities and human resouces are limited or absent. Not like in Japan or in other developed countries.
Even in Japan, I have chance to be involved with a traffic accident. But I know quite a large portion of traffic accidents are preventable. I will do everything I can and everything I need to avoid traffic accidents when I ride a bicycle.
Since I read the editorial of The Lancet, I was wondering what I can do if I got involved with a traffic accindent in developing countries. I sent an e-mail to my friend Steve, highly skilled Canadian orthopaedic surgeon, to ask his opinion.
He kindly sent me very quickly, "Thanks, Steve"
......I see a lot of people who get hurt in car accidents in low income countries and usually have to redo the surgery as it was done wrong or the wrong hardware was put in for the fracture( maybe that was all that was available). The best thing if you can is to splint the fracture if possible and fly home asap. The infrastructure for emergency response and trauma care is just not there in these developing countries as it is in our countries........
I would agree with Steve 100% about this issue. I think the point is (as he mentioned) in developing countries both medical facilities and human resouces are limited or absent. Not like in Japan or in other developed countries.
Even in Japan, I have chance to be involved with a traffic accident. But I know quite a large portion of traffic accidents are preventable. I will do everything I can and everything I need to avoid traffic accidents when I ride a bicycle.
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ヘルメットは正しく被りましょう。Wear your helmet properly! |
Rental Bike in London ロンドン市内のレンタル自転車事情
Although I am acting like Brompton's Big Fan now, it is only a few months ago that I knew the brand name Brompton. But it is true that I have been interested in Londoners' lifestyle with bicycles since I arrived at London in January.
In the beginning, I did not think about buying my own bicycle. Instead, I decided to rent bicycles when I felt like to. There was a rental base in front of the back door of my apartment.
The rental fee could be paid in two ways, Pay each time or pay annually. I chose the latter one and the annual fee was about 40 pounds as I remember. A week after I filled out a application form and sent to London city office, I received a stick key valid for one year.
Once you received a key, you can rent at any of rental base in London, ride a bike to one's destination and dropped off at the rental base near by the desitnation. There are many rental bases all over the city and also you can find nearest one very easily with iphone software, too.
Nevertheless, this bicycle is really heavy and its design is not cool. I assumed that it would endured long time use. My colleague from London had her own bike, another colleague from Copenhagen bought his own bike in London. They looked cool and I liked their styles. So it may be true that I had started dreaming of buying my own bike in my early days in London.
Although I am acting like Brompton's Big Fan now, it is only a few months ago that I knew the brand name Brompton. But it is true that I have been interested in Londoners' lifestyle with bicycles since I arrived at London in January.
In the beginning, I did not think about buying my own bicycle. Instead, I decided to rent bicycles when I felt like to. There was a rental base in front of the back door of my apartment.
The rental fee could be paid in two ways, Pay each time or pay annually. I chose the latter one and the annual fee was about 40 pounds as I remember. A week after I filled out a application form and sent to London city office, I received a stick key valid for one year.
Once you received a key, you can rent at any of rental base in London, ride a bike to one's destination and dropped off at the rental base near by the desitnation. There are many rental bases all over the city and also you can find nearest one very easily with iphone software, too.
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無事に認証が終わると自転車を取り出せます。返却時も確実に格納されると緑のランプが点灯します。 |
Nevertheless, this bicycle is really heavy and its design is not cool. I assumed that it would endured long time use. My colleague from London had her own bike, another colleague from Copenhagen bought his own bike in London. They looked cool and I liked their styles. So it may be true that I had started dreaming of buying my own bike in my early days in London.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Cycleholic サイクル中毒 か?
My brompton is sleeping well in my apartment while I am on call and staying out of my apartment.
I get irritable when I am staying away from my bicycles. I assume that it could be a symptom of cycleholic syndrome. To alleviate my symptom, I am planning to ride my TREK next morning. Oh, yes, my TREK is waiting for me. It is standing-by.
No raining, please!!
Friday, 20 May 2011
Decade of Action For Road Safety 今度の交通安全運動は”10年間”
全くと言って良いほど日本では話題に上っていませんが、今年から国連による10年間にも及ぶ全地球規模の交通安全運動"Decade of Action for Road Safety"が始まりました。
ROAD SAFETYを交通安全と訳してしまうと、車に乗っている人たちの事のように考えがちですが、世界の道路上での死亡者の半数は車以外で移動中の人たちです。すなわち、歩行者であり、自転車であり、自動二輪車であり、あるいはただそこに佇んでいただけの人かもしれません。
I have not heard about this issue in Tokyo. Not even a single time. But according to the editorial of the Lancet (vol. 377 p1543 ) The first Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 has launched.
The WHO website introduced ten reasons to act on road deaths as followed.
Ten reasons to act on road deaths
- Nearly 1.3 million people are killed on the world's roads each year.
- Up to 50 million people are injured, and many remain disabled for life.
- 90% of casualties from road deaths occur in developing countries.
- Annual road traffic deaths are forecast to rise to 1.9 million people by 2020.
- Road traffic injuries are the number one cause of death for young people worldwide.
- By 2015 road traffic injuries will be the leading health burden for children over the age of five years in developing countries.
- The economic cost to developing countries is at least $100 billion a year.
- Road traffic injuries place an immense burden on hospitals and health systems generally.
- Road crashes are preventable.
- A global Action Plan includes practical measures which, if implemented, could save millions of lives
Annual deaths due to malaria is estimated to be fewer than 1 million. So it is fair to say that Road traffic accidents kills more people than malaria worldwide. Without concerted action, road-traffic injuries are predicted to be the fifth leading cause of death by 2030 (after ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lower respiratory infections) a leap from being the ninth ranked cause of death in 2004.
It would be underscored that just over half of all deaths on the roads are in those not travelling in a car. Namely, pedestrians, people riding bikes or motor bikes or could be people just resting on the streets.
I know I am just a beginner bicycle rider, but I don't think I can enjoy cycling again if I got injured and remain disabled, if I took someone's life or if I lost my children's lives by road traffic accidents.
It is the matter for us. It is the time to take actions in Japan, too.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Happy Birthday My Son! / お誕生日おめでとう
Happy 8th birthday, my son. I love you!!
I would like to apologize that I could not get home before you went to bed tonight. But I bought several pieces of cake for you and family as I promised. Be honest and gentle to your mother, always. I love you very much, Tomo.
I would like to apologize that I could not get home before you went to bed tonight. But I bought several pieces of cake for you and family as I promised. Be honest and gentle to your mother, always. I love you very much, Tomo.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Thanks for visiting my website! お越し頂き本当に有難うございます。
I would like to say thanks to all of you for visiting my website here. Mainly from Japan and many from UK, USA, Germany and also from Canada, New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
Please keep in touch and check posts every once in a while.
Today's dinner TON-KATSU Bento (Japanese fried fillet pork cutlet with rice)
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Might not be as cutting edge as...But will save more lives 自転車や歩行者に優しい街づくりでもっと多くの命が救える話
中学高校の頃に習っていた英語の構文を思い出させてくれるas...as, not...butですが、この事は先日まで在籍していたLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicineで何度となく登場した話題でした。
When I was in London, I have heard about this several times. Many travellers worry about Malaria and other tropical infectious diseases. In fact, more people have been in danger of getting involved with traffic accideents rather than infectious diseases in tropical areas.
After I came back to Tokyo, I started commuting by bicycle to and from work. On the street in Tokyo, I often see people putting their own life endangered situation such as riders with no helmets, bicycles with no lights at night, bicycles ignoring traffic lights, bicycles running opposite side of the streets.
When I was in London, I have heard about this several times. Many travellers worry about Malaria and other tropical infectious diseases. In fact, more people have been in danger of getting involved with traffic accideents rather than infectious diseases in tropical areas.
After I came back to Tokyo, I started commuting by bicycle to and from work. On the street in Tokyo, I often see people putting their own life endangered situation such as riders with no helmets, bicycles with no lights at night, bicycles ignoring traffic lights, bicycles running opposite side of the streets.
Monday, 16 May 2011
Cycling beside The Imperial Palace and Tokyo Tower 皇居と東京タワーを眺めつつ
月曜の夜はCycling back home nightとすることにして今日が二週目。
とはいえ、1時間18分、18キロメートルのnight cyclingは大変快適で楽しいひと時でした。次回はどこを走ろうか、今から楽しみです。
Sunday, 15 May 2011
有栖川公園 Arisugawa Park

Arisugawa Park or Prince Arisugawa Memorial Park, located in Minami-Azabu, has been one of the most popular park in the central Tokyo. The last Prince Arisugawa Takehito lost his only son, all the property he owned was took over by Prince Takamatsu Nobuhito in 1934. Two years later, Prince Takamatsu donated the land in Minami-Azabu to former Tokyo-City and opened to public as a park.
さて、今日のSunday cyclingは、先週の教訓もあり朝7時45分に出発しました。今日は先週よりも短いコースで、自宅前から目黒通りを北東に進み、古川橋を越えて麻布十番の手前の二ノ橋を左に曲がりました。仙台坂を死ぬ思いで上るとそこには都会の喧噪とは無縁の有栖川記念公園があります。ここまでわずか15分の道のりですが、最後の仙台坂はかなり息が切れました。後でルートラボで確認すると傾斜は5%と極めて急な坂である事が判明し、なるほど辛いわけです。
Today, my son and I planned a bit shorter route for morning cycling. The destination is Arisgawa Park and only three kilo meters to go and come back. I thought it is an easy-peasy course.
In fact, it was only 15 minute ride to the park but when I got there I got out of breath. Arisugawa Park was located on the top of the hill and the "Sendai Slope" leading us to the park is about 5% gradient. Oh, boy! hard enough for me.
The statue of the nineth Prince Arisugawa, Taruhito, former chief of the general staff in Army, watching over the plaza in the park. We had sandwitches and cold drink there. During our short breakfast we saw many people taking dogs but nobody with their kids...except my son. This is the reality reflecting the declined birth rate in Tokyo.

We went down another slope "Nanbu Slope" and went home in ten minutes. It was less than an hour event in Sunday morning. I guess my son will join me to go out for such a short period of time even if he bocomes busier in studying.
We went down another slope "Nanbu Slope" and went home in ten minutes. It was less than an hour event in Sunday morning. I guess my son will join me to go out for such a short period of time even if he bocomes busier in studying.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
after 64minute cycling, I noticed... 一時間を越えるサイクリングを終え、

that I have been wearing helmet back to front....
Friday, 13 May 2011
"SE-TSU-DEN" Saving electricity consumption
It has been two months since one of the world's biggest earthquake hit Japan. As you know tens of thousands people died because of tsu-na-mi and the number of total casualties has been corrected everyday. I see the new number every morning on the newspaper. In reality, as far as living in Tokyo, I haven't seen any broken buildings in Tokyo. But the damage of the atomic power plant in Fukushima is big enough to remind me that I am living in the country experienced the earthquake even now.
The earthquake changed our lifestyle and I am one of those changed lifestyle. I quit driving to go to work. Instead of that, I ride Brompton or take overground trains to go to work. And very occasionally, I take underground trains.
The government advocate citizens to save the electric consumption. All the companies, organizations, offices, factories are required to reduce 15 percent of their electric consumption. This morning I went to the subway station near my apartment for the first time in May. This station is relatively new. The subway station is trying to reduce their electric consumption by stopping the down escalators.
Tokyo has many subway lines and older ones run shallower parts and the newer runs deeper parts. As I mentioned previously, the station near my apartment is the station of one of the newest lines. Do you know what I meant to say?
The platform of this station is about B5~B6 level. There are three escalators from the ground level to the platform and each one is as long as the one on the picture.
So I said,
"OK, Good for me. Because I wanted to loose my body weight.'
I went down the stairs with my 10kg Brompton on my hand.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Monday, 9 May 2011
Cycling back home まずは自転車での帰宅から挑戦
It was such a busy and bad day today and I could not come back to my desk until 8 p.m.. So I needed something recreational before I get home. It came across my mind to challenge cycling longer distance toward my apartment.
May be halfway to my apartment, or a little more than halfway
I did not even think about that I make it to cycle all the way to my apartment from my workplace. BUT I did it. Not too many cars on the streets and most of the cars were very gentle to me. And street lights make the streets bright enough.
My legs are exhausted but I feel so good now.
It was such a busy and bad day today and I could not come back to my desk until 8 p.m.. So I needed something recreational before I get home. It came across my mind to challenge cycling longer distance toward my apartment.
May be halfway to my apartment, or a little more than halfway
I did not even think about that I make it to cycle all the way to my apartment from my workplace. BUT I did it. Not too many cars on the streets and most of the cars were very gentle to me. And street lights make the streets bright enough.
My legs are exhausted but I feel so good now.
Sunday, 8 May 2011
A Sunday dedicated to my sons 息子達に捧げる日曜日
It was beautiful Sunday and completely Holiday. No need to work!! I dedicated the day to my two sons.
I have two sons and one daughter. Today's casts are
Teru; my elder son
Tomo; my younger son
and me
My elder son, Teru, and I was planning to cycle to Yoyogi Park early in the morning. The reason we chose early morning is avoiding traffic jams on the streets and crowds in the park. Actually we overslept a bit, so we started at 8 am with sandwitches in my back pack.

The route to go was exactly the same as 5 days ago. Hiroo, Nishi-Azabu, Omote-Sando, Harajuku and Yoyogi Park, approximately 30 minutes by bike. I know my son will get ahead of me by the body strength and stamina in near future. But not yet at this moment. So I can still act like Father when we cycle together.
Yoyogi Park is one of the best and the biggest park in Tokyo. Everybody can enjoy their own objectives such as cycling, jogging, having breakfast or lunch, playing music, taking a nap and so on and on. Especially in the morning, less people and much quieter.
We had breakfast there and talked about bicycles, about his school etc...

Since we started late, we came back home late and my wife, my son's mother did not like that.
"Teru, you have some homework to do in this morning..."
Still he enjoyed cycling very much and requested me to schedule another cycling once again. I will wake up earlier and wake him up next time.

In the afternoon, Tomo, my younger son, and I, again, went to Yoyogi park. Tomo is going to train riding a bike with my support. I ran to follow his bicycle. At first he was pedalling slowly and timidly and it was very easy for me to follow. But soon after that he became confident to ride a bike and he got speed....what happened next?...I had to run so fast...and I had to keep the pace (overpace) because Tomo did not want to stop pedalling.
"Hey Dad! I think I can ride a bike!"
His voice was so joyful and I was pleased to hear that. But I have to say it was much much harder exercise than that I had in this morning.
"Very Good! Next time try to ride by yourself, Tomo! Yes, Yes, of course you can!"

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