一般に症例報告は、過去に報告されていない珍しい疾患や症候群を世に伝えるためにあります。1987年にSolomon and CappanによってCyclingによるEDもしくは陰部の感覚障害が「症例報告」されたということは、これが当時珍しいと考えられていたからに他なりません。Cygling によるED、陰部の感覚障害は多くの人々に見られる症状であり、決して珍しい事では無いという事実が報告されるまで1987年の症例報告からさらに10年を要しました。
Andersen and Bovimは毎年、Norwayで行われているアマチュア自転車選手によるLong distance rideに参加した160名の男子選手達から回収したアンケート結果から、男子選手の22%が大会の後で何らかの神経障害を、13%(21名)がインポテンスを経験したことを報告しています。インポテンスを経験した21名の選手のうち11名が1週間以上、3名が1ヶ月以上症状が持続したことを報告しました。
Generally, case reports are written about the cases of uncommon diseases or syndromes. After Solomon and Cappa's case report published in 1987, it took 10 more years for Andersen and Bovim to report that ED due to cycling is not uncommon. The study was questionnaire based cross sectional study among Norwegian annual bicycle touring race of 540km. Among responded 160 male participants, 35(22%) reported symptoms from the innervation area of the pudendal or cavernous nerves. Impotence was reported by 21 (13%) of the males.
(Andersen and Bovim Acta Neurol Scand. 1997 Apr;95(4):233-40. Impotence and nerve entrapment in long distance amateur cyclists)
Andersen and Bovimは毎年、Norwayで行われているアマチュア自転車選手によるLong distance rideに参加した160名の男子選手達から回収したアンケート結果から、男子選手の22%が大会の後で何らかの神経障害を、13%(21名)がインポテンスを経験したことを報告しています。インポテンスを経験した21名の選手のうち11名が1週間以上、3名が1ヶ月以上症状が持続したことを報告しました。
Generally, case reports are written about the cases of uncommon diseases or syndromes. After Solomon and Cappa's case report published in 1987, it took 10 more years for Andersen and Bovim to report that ED due to cycling is not uncommon. The study was questionnaire based cross sectional study among Norwegian annual bicycle touring race of 540km. Among responded 160 male participants, 35(22%) reported symptoms from the innervation area of the pudendal or cavernous nerves. Impotence was reported by 21 (13%) of the males.
(Andersen and Bovim Acta Neurol Scand. 1997 Apr;95(4):233-40. Impotence and nerve entrapment in long distance amateur cyclists)
In 2001, Sommer and colleagues reported that cycling with upright position decrease the penile oxygen level significantly compare to standing or reclining position and concluded that there is a deficiency in penile perfusion caused by perineal arterial compression. And also indicated that longer distance cycling such as more than 400km per week is a risk factor of ED.
(Sommer et al. Eur Urol. 2001 Jun;39(6):720-3. Erectile dysfunction in cyclists. Is there any difference in penile blood flow during cycling in an upright versus a reclining position? )
(Sommer et al. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2001 Aug 24;126(34-35):939-43. [Changes in penile blood flow during cycling--how does one prevent a decreased perfusion?].)
(Jeong et al. Int J Impot Res. 2002 Dec;14(6):513-7. Bicycle saddle shape affects penile blood flow.)
もう一つは、2001年に3本の報告をしたグループで、サイクリング前とサイクリング後の陰茎を流れる血液中の酸素分圧を測定して、4種類のSaddleによる違いを比較検討しています。Saddleの形態により多少の変化はありましたが、最も良い結果が得られたのは、Saddle Noseのないタイプのものでした。(私、個人的には、通常の形態の3種類のSaddleの中ではBrooksと思われる革製のSaddleが最も良い成績であった点は意外でした。)
In 2002 two groups demonstrated that the shape of saddle affects significantly on penile blood flow and especially existence of saddle nose affect on decreasing penile perfusion. And one of the groups made a study to compare the decrease of oxygen level of penile blood flow using four types of saddles.
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Measuring attachment of transcutaneous penile oxygen pressure |
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A:narrow heavily padded saddle, B: narrow V-shaped grooving saddle, C: wide unpadded leather seat, D:no saddle nose seat |
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Decreased oxygen level (From left A,B,C,D), While the effect of noseless saddle is very limited, other three saddles decreased oxygen level of penile blood flow more than 50 %. |
(Schwarzer et al. Eur Urol. 2002 Feb;41(2):139-43.Cycling and penile oxygen pressure: the type of saddle matters.)
The first case of ED possibly affected by cycling reported in 1987. And by the time of 2002 three key features were known, this phenomenon was commonly observed among male cyclists, sitting on saddles compresses perineal area and obstructs blood flow, the shape of saddles is one of the key factors.
TO BE Continued
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